Friday, December 11, 2015

God's Provision for a Sanctuary

As Believers we sometimes seek shelter and security from a fallen world, but where do we go to find that refuge?

Psalm 71:1says: “In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be ashamed.” In that statement the psalmist proclaims two things: 1) The Lord is his refuge. 2) He trusts God and is never ashamed to seek refuge.

A refuge is a safe haven. It’s a place we trust and feel secure. I want to discuss two types of sanctuaries, or refuges, God provides for His children.  

First: The man-made sanctuary in a church. Depending when we visit a sanctuary, we find either a one-on-one refuge with God, or we seek refuge with Him, along with other Believer’s.
Being alone in a sanctuary, with no disruptions, away from a world of heartbreak and distress, we find God always has time for us. We don’t have to knock; His door is always open. It’s almost like He’s expecting us.

He’s there to listen and talk to us, about Him.

As the body of Christ, Believer’s meet in a sanctuary and worship God. In Matthew 18:20, Jesus says “For where two or three have gathered in my name I am there in their midst.”

When we’re in the sanctuary of a church, we’re in the midst of God’s refuge.  

In the sanctuary we’re with others who believe as we do. Together, were alone with God in meditation and prayer. We’re not ashamed. A feeling of oneness permeates the atmosphere.

Second: The sanctuary hidden within each of His children, which is the Holy Spirit.

In John 14: 16, 17 Jesus tells His disciples:

“I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.”

The time a Believer spends with the Holy Spirit is often spiritually intense. The Holy Spirit knows both our thoughts and the thoughts of God, and He harmonizes them. Regular visits with the Holy Spirit transform a Believer’s relationship with God. The visits lift up and do not shame the Believer.

The sanctuaries of God fulfill different needs in the lives of Believers. God is a spiritual water fall, and both Believers and sanctuaries belong to Him and are in His House. So, whenever they want, through prayer, His children can go home and shower in His warmth, love, acceptance, and security.

They may repent, find strength and assurance, or just give thanks; whatever they need. He’s always home and listens; no appointment necessary.

God’s sanctuaries, or refuges, are for those who belong to Him; His children. He provides them as a bit of heaven on earth. In His sanctuary Believer’s find Him, and the key that unlocks the chest of blessings He has for us.

All scripture is from the NASB

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