Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Just hovering around good ol' BHS

With the insinuated password of “hover,” parents, students, visitors, teachers and administration “hovered” about the room, or they sat in the bleachers and inhaled the 2016 edition of Student 

Showcase. As inquisitive eyes scanned the surroundings, they observed the results of what flows through the talent corridors of Bayard’s Junior High and Senior High students.

Sectioned off were products of love emanating from the wood shop, the ag program, art class, technology, 7th and 8th grade science, and a freshman hover-board.

Nevertheless, the diversified exhibits had a common denominator: In the not-too-distant-past every display simmered in some student’s skillet of creativity. The students seasoned their project with love, care, and desire and then placed the manifestation on a platter for display.

In passing, guests had the opportunity to taste their craftsmanship.

The younger generations flocked to the hover board. What some say is a harbinger of short excursions is powered by air flow. The hover board at the Student Showcase skimmed above the floor and elicited a wide variety of expressions from spectators and those on the board.

Yes, the hover board is a product of ingenuity and stimulates the imagination. Maybe, someday, it’ll compete with Captain Kirk, Spock, and the Starship Enterprise.       

Congratulations to those students who made Student Showcase a reality via their knack of bringing life to what they imagine. Don’t let your God-given creativity lay dormant. Let that gift propel you to where it wants you to go.

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