Monday, May 23, 2016

Wow! Broadway visits Bayard's Auditorium

Just as I’m running out of accolades, Bayard’s Public Schools stamped a period on its musical stage exhibitions for the 2015-16 school year. The Jr. High Choir, Magic Rhythm, and the 21st Century 

Singers entertained their audience to a performance sprinkled with the seeds of Broadway.

While musicians injected intensity into those groups, those groups injected intensity into the musicians. The result: Together, they injected intensity into a performance that spellbound us Homo sapiens that braved the outside elements to fill seats in the auditorium.  

The spectacle meshed hearts, minds, and souls with blues and rhythm, and a moving display of harmonious artistry that concluded with the Star Spangled Banner.

Packages of talent were unwrapped to reveal what lay underneath. 

The audience felt a melodic bond, camaraderie, and a oneness with what made a barren stage come alive.

The spotlight sometimes shone on the seniors who were making their final appearance as part of the 21st Century Singers. They leave holes to fill; Bayard thanks them for sharing their special gift with us.

As for the rest of you, over the summer, practice your do, re, mi’s, or whatever they are, along with those things you blow into to make sounds, or beat on for the rat a tat syndrome. Bayard looks forward to watching and listening to you next year. Thanks.      

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